Updated the stylesheet for the site. It turns out the coding I did all the way back in 2022 actually made updating the site harder. I do hope it's better now...
Now, after fixing all that, I think it's time to add some new stuff to the site. Like gifs and other fun stuff.
Here's the to-do list:
- Add Social Media links
- Add more fun blinkies
- Add some js scripts (To get the rust off)
- Add more static pages for interests and stuff.
- Any other stuff I'm forgetting right now...
I also updated the website icon yesterday. I forgot to mention it. lol
Now, with all that said, thanks for visiting! Today I logged in and saw a lot of visits for the site yesterday! So thank you for taking the time to check this page out, with it having almost nothing in it and all.
A whole 62 different visits??? That's insane!
Hi! Just checking in... It seems like I underestimated just how much time I'd take to show up here again. That said, I did not forget about this place! You know how you sometimes wait for the perfect moment to do something and it just never feels like the right moment? No, I'm not making excuses! 👉👈
I fixed up the flexbox situation. You can thank me later..
This will take a really long time to finish, if it ever does. I've been really busy lately. I also think I have a terrible work ethic. :x
Oh, well. It's not like anyone is going to be reading this, but in the chance someone is: Hello! Welcome!
This place is really barren. I'm going to be honest, I don't think I have any skills for web design. I find the novelty of it nice though.
I digress. My hope is to keep improving this page little by little. So, please bear with me!